Some more news for 2022 (and a dog picture)
25 Jun 2022There’s 2 more soon-to-be-happening conferences that I’ll be at, namely IAFPA2022 and SMC2022:
- 10-13 July, I will be in Prague at the 30th IAFPA, giving a poster presentation on an experiment did with Jürgen Trouvain and Bernd Möbius on "Speaker discrimination and classification in breath noises by human listeners". A picture of a very cute dog may have been involved to get participants motivated for the task.
- 24-27 August, I will be in Groningen for the 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control to present a poster on "Comparison of acoustic parameters of inhalations vs. exhalations with 3D-printed vocal tract models". It's coming from a really cool project that involves Susanne Fuchs, Jürgen Trouvain, Steffen Kürbis, Bernd Möbius, and Peter Birkholz and there is more from that to come, so stay tuned!
Since I got to attend Speech Prosody and a very cool workshop on historical aspects of speech communication research, I am looking forward to more in-person events! It really is a lot different from the online experience.
Finally, since I promised a cute dog: here’s the picture I used for the ‘forensic’ task along with a story that he had been kidnapped and all we have to find him are the kidnappers’ breath noises.
His name’s Dude (since he’s a golden doodle) and he’s not really missing. He’s doing great and is a very good boy.